Professional paperless EFF (Electronic Flight Folder) Application including a smart OFP-module filling the gap existing almost-paperless-EFF-Apps leave. Imports all leading 3rd party Flightplans.
Connects to Crew Planning Software (Sklylegs and LEON) and Trip Supporters/Flight Planners like PPS using Arinc 633.
Provides an intelligent paperless OFP which tracks waypoints, time and fuel, and warns about time/fuel-problems, calculates time and fuel trends into the future, signs, closes and uploads finished EFF`s (OFP, Wx, Notams, any other provided docs) to a highly secure server with role-based web-access.
Fully Arinc 633 - compliant
Intelligent, fully Pilot-editable Trip/Fuel-Planning feature where Pilots can change alternate airports and any other parameter of fuel planning. Automatic re-calculation after each change.
Shows actual Wx/NOTAMs not only for DEST and DEP Airports but for all adequate airports along the route
Dynamic Map-Display of the planned and actual track with waypoints and airports